
Returning from London for his 11th exhibition at ARTIS Gallery, it is both apposite and convenient to suggest that John Blackburn’s career has spanned parallel paths both in New Zealand & Britain over the last six decades.

Blackburn’s work reveals a remarkably consistent vision and approach. The paintings in this exhibition are unified, both individually and collectively, by the artist’s repertoire of signature forms and finishes. His investigation of the seemingly limitless possibilities of painterly effects, add a sense of lightness and deftness to the works.



Returning from Paris to New Zealand for her exhibition at ARTIS in February, ‘Parallel’ is an appropriate word to express Marian Fountain’s life and expression.  This is  perhaps not surprising, having lived in Europe since 1984 and in Paris since 1991.
Fountain melds the rich diversity of European art, history and culture with her New Zealand roots and the cultures of the Pacific, to create works that are compelling and original.  Exploring her own ideas of conflict, change and growth, her works demonstrate an environmental awareness and concern for the future of humankind.
Many of Marian’s sculptures instill duality as though there are two sculptures in one – turn them around and you might find a surprise, a complementary form to deepen the contemplation of what it is to be alive.
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